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Year 9 Business Trip to Ebbsfleet United


Over this past term the year 9 Business Studies Taster group have been looking at Business Studies through a project supported by Ebbsfleet United. It began in September after the group were visited by the Ebbsfleet United’s Community and Education Officer Mr Phil Moss.

Mr Moss spoke with the group for nearly 2 hours and set them a business task to improve both customer/supporter engagement and possibly to improve profits over the long term. They then worked in groups over the next few weeks researching Ebbsfleet United’s past, present and future. With this information the groups formulated plans and presentations of their ideas and findings.

On Tuesday 15th October, their hard work was rewarded by becoming guests of Ebbsfleet United at EU’s stadium, where they were given a tour of the studium’s front of house (what the supporters see) and what goes on behind the scenes.  They saw everything from the boardroom and its private boxes to the player changing rooms and explored the new stand built in 2017- and 104-year-old original stand built in the 1920’s. Once the tour was complete, they gave their group presentations which Mr Moss said where informative and gave him food for thought on how younger people reflect on the sports business. Who knows some of their ideas may be implemented in the near future. Mr Toomey Head of Business Studies was accompanied on the trip by Mrs Hallam from Careers without whose help this trip could not have happened. The next group of year 9 Business Studies Taster Lessons will start in the first week of November, (after the half term break) and it is assumed they will get the same opportunity to visit Ebbsfleet United sometime in December

Tagged  Secondary Phase