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Key Stage Four Results

For more information on how performance measures are calculated, and the factors affecting measures for 2022/23, please see the KS4 technical guide.

Progress 8 Score

A Progress 8 Score is the academic progress that pupils make from the end of key stage 2 to the end of key stage 4. This is based on 8 qualifications.

The banding for Saint George's is ‘average’ because the confidence interval spans both above and below 0.

Score -0.05
Confidence Interval -0.26 - 0.16

Attainment 8 Score

Attainment 8 data measures the achievement of all pupils across 8 qualifications, including Mathematics and English.

Saint George's - 43.5%

Percentage of Pupils Achieving Grade 5 or Above in English and Maths

This tells you the percentage of pupils who achieved grade 5 or above in English and Maths GCSEs.

Saint George's - 36.7%

Percentage of Pupils entering the English Baccalaureate (EBacc)

School England Average
22.6% 40.4%

EBacc Average Point Score

School England Average
3.75 4.07

Percentage of pupils staying in education or employment after KS4 (2022-2023) 

The 2023-2024 measures are yet to be released. Below highlights these figures for the year 2022-2023.

School Local Authority Average England Average
97% 94% 94%

For more information, please click here for national performance tables.