Remote Learning
For more information, please contact Mrs H Palmer – Primary Phase Deputy Head -
How to Access
All of our remote learning can be accessed via:
Years 1 - 4 - Google Classrooms
EYFS - Tapestry
Remote education will be activated when there is a national or local lock down because of government guidance or a bubble closure. If an individual or a few pupils need to self-isolate, they will be able to access work remotely. Children in year R will access learning through Tapestry and children in years 1 and upwards, will access learning through Google Classrooms.
Replicating the classroom remotely
The school will provide continuity of the curriculum by providing the following core offer to our children:
- Daily lessons – English, Phonics, Mathematics, Reading, Handwriting, Topic lessons and Storytime
- Weekly lessons – PE, PE, PHSE
- Worship will be delivered weekly by our Chaplain.
Maintaining aspects of school life online
To maintain continuity, we will endeavour to maintain frequent pupil/teacher communication. We will ensure there are opportunities for peer and social communication through regular Microsoft Teams meetings. A daily timetable will be posted each morning for our year one pupils and above. Teachers will continue to plan the school curriculum for their year group, ensuring support and challenge are provided.
Technology training
Teachers have received relevant training in delivering remote learning. The Trust IT department will provide support and troubleshooting with technical difficulties when needed. All children have been supported in accessing the chosen online platform but if they encounter future difficulties, they can contact the class teacher via Tapestry, Google Classrooms or email. Parents can also contact the Trust IT department
Parents, children and staff will continue to use Tapestry as a form of communication between school and home as this is already established and effective. Other forms of communication will include phone calls, emails and home visits where necessary. Each family working remotely from home will be contacted once per fortnight to discuss remote learning, children’s well-being and ways in which school can support them at home. These will be carried out by the class teachers.
A lack of devices
If parents are not able to effectively support remote education, they will need to have a discussion with the school. The school where possible will loan devices to families and this will be arranged and delivered by our Trust IT department.
Keeping pupils motivated and engaged.
Teachers will use a variety of familiar applications to keep pupils engaged. A mix of practical lessons will be delivered including Forest School, to ensure children’s engagement remains high. We will contact pupils or parents by telephone to explore ways to secure re-engagement if children become disengaged. Strong relationships with parents need to continue to ensure we can have open and honest conversations regarding remote learning. It is important that we all endeavour to support the school policy as a period of home learning can be for sustained period. Lost time will inevitably have an impact on learning when children return to school.
Pupil's Progress
Teachers will use quizzes or tests on core content as a regular feature, asking pupils to complete these in a specified time and then send them back. Using the features of a multi-functional platform, teachers can create regular, pre- and post-lesson quizzes, using Kahoot and Google Forms. Teachers will also mark all work returned during the school day and give feedback including asking children to correct mistakes or edit work.
Supporting pupils with SEND
Teachers will differentiate appropriately for pupils with SEND. The support of adults in the home will be a significant advantage where this is possible. Teaching Assistants will also support pupils with SEND identifying and resourcing parts of the Personalised Provision plan and any additional therapy plans that can be completed at home